Jitterbug Swing Dance Series

Thursdays 7:00p 

Jitterbug, East Coast Swing, 6-count Swing, Jive, Boogie-Woogie, Single Time, Whatever You Call it … it all Swings!

No Partner? Two Left Feet? – NO PROBLEM!
Golden Slippers-Haygood Studio, 1115 Independence Blvd, Virginia Beach, VA
Cost: $50 Punch-Card (for 4 classes) • $15 Drop-Ins

Jitterbug is a a 6-ct basic style of social partner dance from the 1920s that evolved from the Lindy Hop.

CABIN FEVER SPECIAL: If you have been our dance students and already “KNOW” the 6-Count Jitterbug, then get off the couch and help the newbies and join us on the dance floor for only $5. Ask instructor for details and/or if you qualify for even FREE!!

Swing Virginia - Jeff Miller Erika Phillips


National Lindy Hop & Jitterbug Champion

Join the beginner Jitterbug Swing Series for a fun and energetic introduction into this historic style of Swing Dance. You will become confident dancing to slow, medium and fast tempo music and gain a solid foundation in 6-count Swing. You will learn practical basics of partner dancing and footwork along with a bucket load or cool, smooth, and crazy move combinations.

The 6-count footwork pattern can be seen as SingleStep, SingleStep, Rock, Step or can be also danced Triple-Step, Triple-Step, Rock, Step all depends on the tempo of the music.

Jitterbug can be referred to by many different names in different regions of the United States and the World. It has alternatively been called Eastern Swing, East Coast Swing, Single Time, American Swing, Lindy (not to be confused with Lindy Hop) and Triple Swing.

Other variations of Jitterbug that use altered footwork forms are known as Single Swing or “Single-step Swing” (where the triple step is replaced by a single step forming a slow, slow, quick, quick rhythm common to Foxtrot), and Double Swing (using a tap-step footwork pattern) which is seen for Rockabilly and Jive.


Jitterbug is mostly based in six-count patterns that are simplified forms of the original patterns copied from Lindy Hop. Later on the term – East Coast Swing – was coined to initially to distinguish the dance from the street form and the new variant used in the competitive ballroom arena. While based on Lindy Hop, it does have clear distinctions.

The term – East Coast Swing – is a standardized form of dance developed first for ballroom studio instructional purposes in various ballroom dance studios, and then later codified to allow for a medium of comparison for competitive ballroom dancers. It can be said that there is no right or wrong way to dance it.



You should have two pairs of shoes when you go dancing. ONE pair that you wear TO the event. And a SECOND pair you change into AT the event. Shoes that are flat, suede, leather, felt, or non-grippy are best.

You should never, NEVER wear street shoes on the dance floor. 

for more on Dance Shoes

Swing Dance Shoes
Swing Dance Virginia